[tlg_header_single fullscreen=”fullscreen-off” subtitle_before=”yes” title_style=”standard” bg_video_style=”youtube” bg_youtube_url=”P4puCzgBpXY” btn_link=”url:%23main|||” button_layout=”btn-text” btn_hover=”hvr-push” icon=”ti-arrow-down” customize_font=”yes” title_font=”0″ title_uppercase=”yes” subtitle_font=”0″ subtitle_uppercase=”yes” content_font=”0″ hide_on_scroll=”scrolled-no-hide” title=”Shop the collection” subtitle=”Spring & summer collection” image=”4864″ button_size=”30″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_text_hover=”#eeeeee” title_size=”112″ title_spacing=”3″][/tlg_header_single]
[tlg_icon_box icon=”ti-check-box” box_layout=”animate” icon_box_link=”||” title=”Official fashion store” subtitle=”over 1060 products”]Our product of the month this month is our great value snow shovel. If you buy the snow shovel and our children’s sledge together, we will give you 20% off the total price.
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[tlg_icon_box icon=”ti-truck” box_layout=”animate” icon_box_link=”||” title=”Free shipping and returns” subtitle=”for all customers”]Our product of the month this month is our great value snow shovel. If you buy the snow shovel and our children’s sledge together, we will give you 20% off the total price.
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[tlg_icon_box icon=”ti-gift” box_layout=”animate” icon_box_link=”||” title=”Sale off 20%” subtitle=”only for this month” box_border_color=”#f96f39″]Our product of the month this month is our great value snow shovel. If you buy the snow shovel and our children’s sledge together, we will give you 20% off the total price.
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[tlg_intro_content layout=”box-text-center” btn_link=”url:%23|||” icon=”” button_layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1b” image=”4859″ title=”Vegan Dresses” subtitle=”Shop by” button_text=”Explore the collection”]We utilise all forms of media to get your name out there in a way that’s right for you[/tlg_intro_content]
[tlg_headings icon=”” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” title=”Vegan Dresses Collection”][product_category per_page=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”” order=”” category=”jupes-shorts”]
[tlg_button title=”Shop the full collection” btn_link=”url:%23|||” layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1b” icon=””]
[tlg_intro_content layout=”box-text-center” btn_link=”url:%23|||” icon=”” button_layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1b” image=”4858″ title=”Jupes & Shorts” subtitle=”Shop by” button_text=”Explore the collection”]We will put together a detailed and specific style guide that covers all areas to ensure that anything in the future is on brand.[/tlg_intro_content]
[tlg_headings icon=”” css_animation=”bottom-to-top” title=”Jupes & Shorts Collection”][product_category per_page=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”” order=”” category=”outerwear”]
[tlg_button title=”Shop the full collection” btn_link=”url:%23|||” layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1b” icon=””]
[tlg_spacer height=”70″ height_tablet=”35″][tlg_headings icon=”” spacing=”mb40″ css_animation=”bottom-to-top” customize_font=”yes” title=”Winter Collection 14/15″ title_size=”55″ title_spacing=”5″][tlg_button title=”Shop now” btn_link=”url:%23|||” layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1b” icon=”” css_animation=”bottom-to-top”][tlg_spacer height=”70″ height_tablet=”35″]
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